“Birds on the Brink: Earth Day and Beyond”, November 21
In this Earth Day 50th Anniversary year, the environment is a moral and spiritual issue. We have all been called to be stewards of God’s creation. Sr. Life Institute has transitioned to a safe, virtual program to bring experts to help us learn to be careful, humble stewards of the earth and all living things.
Our speakers are:
- Linda Ferich, Lancaster County Conservancy – “Community Wildlife Habitat “
- Doug Good, Highland Member, Photographer – “Back Yard Birds”
- Dan Mummert, PA Game Commission –“From the Brink”
Our speakers will lead you on an inspiring and educational journey through conservation concerns, threats to bird habitats, solutions and backyard birding. Before Nov. 21 will receive an email with instructions and links to our presentations. Check Highland’s website on Nov. 21 to find the links, if you miss the email.
We also will give you a chance to Bid For the Birds on items at a Virtual Silent Auction with proceeds going to local Bird Sanctuaries and our quilter’s missions. (More details to come).
Anouncement & updates
Lord, when did we see You?
Please watch your mail… Last fall the COVID pandemic was never dreamed of when we pledged our support to Highland stewardship campaigns. Still, our amazing God was powerfully present throughout this trying year, guiding us to find new and exciting ways to be Christ’s hands in your life, our community’s and around the world. Our bold work continues. Please keep an eye on your snail mailbox for information on the lives you touched with your 2020 gifts to Highland. Learn more, too, about the transformative vision Highland has for your gifts to our 2021 stewardship campaign. New this year, you will be able to pledge online if you choose. You can also use the traditional paper slips will be included with your mailer as you have done in the past.
Indoor Services
Highland’s Covid Task Force continues to meet and on Wednesday evening recommended that we cancel the indoor worship services for November 15 and 22. The task force discussion was as follows: Dr. Paul Thorlakson was at and participated in the Nov 1 worship service and developed Covid symptoms that night. He subsequently has tested positive and is doing OK but far from recovered. Sufficient time has passed since the Nov 1 service with no additional Highland case that we can be assured that there was no transmission to others from the November 1 service. However, with the increasing number of local cases and the increasing number of hospitalizations, it was felt that even with our very good protocols we would be prudent to avoid gathering the congregation when there remains a virtual service alternative. We will continue to reassess and hope that things have plateaued or receded to the point that we can resume indoor worship and celebrate the start of Advent together on November 29. With our protocols in place, the church will remain open for other activities and business. It is understood that everyone, especially those most at risk, should decide what activities will take them out of their homes. Stay safe and keep praying.
– Highland’s Covid Task Force.

The Upper Room
Now that we have returned to inside services, the Upper Room booklets will be placed inside church on the Deacons’ cart. The cart will be located near the Temperature Station as you enter into the Narthex.
The November/December booklets are available. If you are not yet coming in to church, please contact Jan H. at *email* or phone xxx.xxx.xxx, and she’ll be happy to mail one to you.