Music Ministry

Core Ensembles

  • Chancel Choir: practice Wednesday 7:00 PM
  • Praise Band: practice Thursday evenings or Sunday mornings
  • Bell Choir: practice Monday evenings 6:45 PM


About Dorothy Rose Smith:

Dorothy Rose Smith was Director of Music at Highland from 1976 – 2005. During this time, she was also Artistic Director of the Lancaster Opera Workshop  and conductor of the Lancaster Symphony Chorus. Her tenure at Highland saw the establishment of a vibrant choral and instrumental program, which included the installation of our magnificent Wicks hybrid organ in 1998.

Scroll down to see the upcoming DRS concerts.


Highland’s Organ:

This beautiful instrument was given in memory of Morris A. Stoltzfus by the Stoltzfus family to the glory of God, to produce joyful music in our sanctuary for the inspiration of present and future generations. We hope that its voice will speak not only to our parishioners in worship services, but also to the community at large in special concerts. The Wicks 3 manual pipe/digital organ has 41 ranks of pipes – 2116 pipes to be exact – and 37 digital ranks, entirely housed in the former choir loft and a small adjoining room which previously housed speakers. The console and facade are constructed of solid oak, as are the suspended Celtic cross – a gift, the pulpit, the floor of the chancel platform, and all other visible wooden structures.

Upcoming Concerts

Previous DRS Concerts

Click the videos below to watch past DRS concerts.

Contemporary Worship Team

Click the videos below to view music by Highland’s Contemporary Worship Team.

Contact the Music Director

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