Small Groups
Women’s Ministries
Presbyterian Women offer Highland women and their guests a variety of opportunities for spiritual growth and Christian fellowship. Bible studies, retreats, local and international service ministries, and other activities bring Jesus to life in a variety of powerful ways. The coordinating team meets the second Thursday of each month at 10:00. We invite you to check out these fellowship activities:

Women’s Book Discussion Group
As Christian women living in and not apart from our world, we, in Presbyterian Women, hope to offer a safe environment for women to meet to discuss the challenges and opportunities of life as presented in the selected books.
- Meets the fourth Wednesday, September and October, and January through May at 1pm in Room 208. In November and December we meet the third Wednesday due to the holidays in the fourth week.
- Bringing a snack or bag lunch is optional.
- Book lists are available in the church office on the table by the reception desk and at the Welcome Center. Members of the group lead the book discussions although sometimes it is just done as a group. It is hoped that each person will be familiar with the book selected for that month and participants are encouraged to offer insights and opinions from their personal experiences. Books for the following year are chosen from suggestions by the group and are voted on and announced in May. Books contain a broad range of subject matter including non-fiction and one classic.
- For more information check the monthly announcements in the Heartbeat.

Bible Study Circles
Are you a woman looking for a Bible study? Presbyterian Women have many possibilities, all open to new members. Pick one out and give it a try. Bible knowledge is not necessary, just an openness to learn and grow in God’s word.
BOB Bible study
- Meets every Wednesday at 10:30 am, except during the summer and December. Located in Highlands Hudson Room off office entrance.
- For more information, please contact Diane Ingham OR Connie Livingston
HOLY HUDDLE Bible Study – Alpha-based curriculum
- Meets every other Monday at Highland – For more information, please contact Igne Ross
LYDIA Bible Study
- Meets the second Wednesday of the month at 10 am, September through May located in Highland’s Room 208
- For more information, please contact Barb Droz
Mary-Martha Study
- Meets the first Wednesday at 11:30 am from September through June, located at various members homes.
- For more information please contact Rae Ann Entz
Men’s Groups
Men of all ages are welcome. The groups enjoy the fellowship of gathering weekly to discuss books and studies which help them grow in their faith and understanding of what is required to live a Christian life fully and faithfully.

Tuesday Men’s Bible Study
- Focus: Each semester we pick one book of the Bible and with guide study we have group discussions.
- Meets every Tuesday from 7:30-8:30am at Oregon Dairy Restaurant
- Hearty breakfasts are individually ordered; no reservations required, just come to enjoy good food, fellowship and discussion.
- For more info, please contact Dick Entz.
Wednesday Men’s Breakfast Group
- Meets every Wednesday from 7:30-9:00 am at Olde Hickory Grille Restaurant in a private room.
- Hearty breakfasts are individually ordered; no reservations required, just come to enjoy good food, fellowship and discussion.
- The discussion will follow books chosen by the group.
- For more info, please contact Don Smith.
Quilters Ministry

Creative focus: design and sew quilts, wall hangings, table runners, etc. Benefits the Ruth Project for women’s ministry. Newcomers welcome.
- Meets every Wednesday from 9 am to noon in room 202.
- For more info, contact Juanita Fowler or Fran Stefany.